All of these clubs have closed. The majority of the buildings are now other businesses, and a small few of them are empty lots. Yet, yet, a small number of them are still bars and clubs – with different names.
Listed in here: 27 East, Billy’s Triple Crown, Charlie Brown, Club Neptunes, East Side Comedy, Ed’s Bay Pub, Great Scott, Hotel James, Houlihan’s Pub, Hurrah, Krugerrand, LaPlage, LeMans, Marakesh, Oak Tree Inn, Route 27, Scarletts, Suspenders, The Bay Club, The Mad Hatter, The Place, The Westhampton Club, Wilson’s Garage.
Wilson’s Garage West Hampton ClubThe PlaceThe PlaceThe Mad HatterThe Bay ClubThe Bay ClubSuspendersSuspendersScarlettsScarlettsRoute 27Oak Tree InnMarakeshMarakeshHamptons Hot Spots LeMansLeMansLeMansLaPlageLaPlageKrugerrandHurrahHoulihan’s PubHotel JamesHot Spots in the HamptonsHot Spots in the HamptonsHamptons Magazine PeopleHamptons Magazine CoverGreat ScottGreat ScottEd’s Bay PubEd’s Bay PubEast Side ComedyEast Side ComedyNeptune Beach ClubNeptune Beach ClubNeptune Beach ClubNeptune Beach ClubNeptune Beach ClubNeptune Beach ClubNeptune Beach ClubCharlie BrownBilly’s Triple Crown27 East27 East